The purpose of association is to promote Minervois, its tourism and its local economy through its local natural wealth which is the marble. It gathers professionals of the marble, tradesmen, shelterers, artists, historians and the voluntary ones who carry an interest for the marble.
Goal of association
Goal of association
The purpose of association is to promote the marble in particular, and in particular in- organizing all types of exhibitions, festivals, symposiums, etc
- proposing and by animating all places in keeping with the marble, its history, its past and its futur.
- facilitating the bringing together, the exchange, even twinning with other towns of France or besides which declare an art marbrier
- collecting, bringing closer or by putting in network all documents, people or associations which have an interest for the marble. The founder members, who are at the origin of association, are Christiane Martinez, Khalid Massoud and Robert Peccolo. Association Marbles in Minervois gathers professionals of the marble, tradesmen, shelterers, artists, historians and the voluntary ones who carry an interest for the marble. The marble of Caunes-Minervois has a history which gœs up at the time Roman, it became with the wire of the centuries one of the asset of the economy of the village, then it was joined in its fame by the abbey of Caunes-Minervois. Association aims at giving a cultural, tourist and economic impetus with the whole of Minervois, especially in this wine crisis period. The will of association Marbles in Minervois is to give a strong identity to the commune, to show the art monumental mason with greatest number and especially to make there take part living strength of Caunes-Minervois by gathering them and in their proposer between-others of the exhibitions and the circuits relating to the marble.
Votre avis nous intéresse
Par courrier EN CLIQUANT ICIVisite carrière de MAI à SEPTEMBRE
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Aude - Caunes-Minervois : le "prix TPE" régional à la carrière de marbre de Villerambert (INDEPENDANT)
L'entreprise gérée par Khalid Massoud a été distinguée lors d'une cérémonie à Montpellier. La société "AGE Marbres de Caunes", qui exploite la carrière de marbre rouge de Villerambert à Caunes-Minervois, a reçu le 29 novembre à Montpellier le "prix de la TPE" organisé par les chambres de commerce de l'Hérault du Gard de la Haute-Garonne et de l'Aude et la CCI Occitanie, en collaboration avec les jeunes chambres économiques et les clubs "femmes chefs d'entreprise" de la Région et des quatre départements, ainsi que de l'intercommunalité Coeur-d'Hérault. Sur les 193 entreprises participantes à cette édition, 24 ont été nominées sur chacun des six territoires concernés par le concours (l'Est Hérault, le Cœur d'Hérault, l'Ouest Hérault, le Gard, l'Aude et la Haute-Garonne) dans les catégories "Etre", "Faire, "Piloter", et "Engagement durable". À la clé pour les finalistes : 5 trophées dont le trophée TPE ainsi que des dotations allant de 1 000 à 2 000 €. Le prix de la TPE récompense des entreprises de moins de 10 salariés, qui représentent 95% du tissu économique local. Elles sont récompensées pour leur action dans les domaines de la création d'entreprise, de l'innovation et de la performance en Région. La carrière de marbre de Villerambert s'est distinguée récemment en organisant la livraison d'un bloc de marbre, destiné à la restauration du château de Versailles, via le Canal du Midi.
Presse ,on en parle CLIQUEZ ICI 26 articlesBloc stationné au bord du canal 21/09/2019
Various groups of association
Various groups of association
The various following groups currently compose our association:- Sculpture on marbre
Mano de Decker is the referent for the sculptors of this group and can be contacted by e-mail with
- Painting on marbre
Béatrice Saint-André is the referent for the creators of this group and can be contacted by e-mail with or telephonically with the 04 68 78 45 42
- design Objects in marbre
Gérard Boyer is the referent for the creators of this group and can be contacted by e-mail with or telephonically with the 06 86 42 28 76
- usual Objects in marbre
Groupe in the course of constitution
- Buildings, constructions and gardens using of the marbre
Khalid Massoud is the referent for the professionals of this group and can be contacted by e-mail with
Contact Marbles in Minervois
Interested (E) by our association ?
Do not hesitate to contact Khalid Massoud for more information
by e-mail with
or by telephone with 06 80 96 22 26Adhesion
You can pay your contribution member for 2025 , the sum of 10 € by sending your made out cheque:
Marbres in Minervois
A.G.E Marbre Rouge de France Villerambert
Par carte bleue, cliquez sur le cochonYou can adhere to our association
to support our projet.
La restitution of; a not delivered order.
According to the archives an order of several colonnes
n´ ever was; delivered
Il would act to reconstitute the delivery terms
comme to the XVII ème century.
the block would leave Minervois, would join the ports
channel of the South which would stage demonstrationsRedorte, Puichéric, Trèbes
Carcassonne, Toulouse, Bordeaux
and would arrive at Versailles after a crossing in boat.
A Versailles the block would be delivered then the column would be extracted from it
on the spot in the gardens.
Premiers pas vers versailles
President Khalid Massoud Monumental mason A.G.E Caunes
Treasurer Guy Perrin Sculptor Caunes
Secretary Rose Marie Blanc Reprocessed Trausse
Coordinator Françoise Moreau Reprocessed Trausse
Writer Gérard Boyer French teacher Reprocessed Caunes
Translator Arno Krispin Reprocessed Caunes
Webmaster Serge Fischer Reprocessed Trausse