Kinds of marbles

Carte Ecluses

Marbles of Mesozoic age (between less 245 and less 65 million years)
1- Roman breach of Baixas (66)
2 - Marble of Saint-Happy (31)
3 - Marble of Montoussé (65)
4 - Marble of Bénou (64)
5 - Marble of Uchentein (09)
6 - Marble of Arudy and Izeste (64)
7 - Marble of Sarrancolin (65)
8 - Breach of the Cape Romain (11), 9- Breach of Aubert (09).

Marbles of paleocene age (between less 65 and less 56 million years)
10- Eastern breach of Baixas (66)
11 - Breach of Verdun (09)
12 - Roman Breach of Saint-happy (31)
13 - Portor of the Pyrenees - Troubat (65)
14 - Breach of Médous (65).

Marbles of the Hercynian chain (between less 360 and less 250 million years)
White marbles:
15 - Céret, Amélie the Baths (66)
16 - Py (66)
17 - Canaveilles (66).
Red marbles Marbles number combinations:
18 - Caunes-Minervois (11)
19 - Saint-Pons-of - Thomières (34)
20 - Saint Nazaire-with-Ladarez (34)
21 - Cat-like-Minervois (34)
22- Villefranche-of-Conent (66).
Marbles morello cherries:
23 - Belloc-Villefranche-of-Convent (66)
24 - Estours (09)
25- Espiougue (09)
26 - Hurdy-gurdy-Louron (65)
27 - Cierp-Gaud and Signac (31)
28- Campan-Espiadet (65)
29 - Hautacam (65). Granite of Sidobre: 30 - (81)